Sunday, October 11, 2009

An Apology to Commenters

Clameur de Haro apologises profoundly to all commenters for the recent non-approval and non-publication of comments: an obscure technical glitch has allowed him to post, and to comment on posts put up on other blogs, but strangely not allowed him to approve and publish comments on CdeH itself.
CdeH does not even pretend to be an expert on such matters, but happily the techies consulted have at long last identified and rectified the glitch, so normal response to comments is about to be resumed.
Except, possibly, to one or two who appear unable to resist crossing the dividing line from robust, but still civil, argument to mere argument-free personal abuse………………………
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TonyTheProf said...

Thanks for the explanation. Comments on no posting of comments just shows how easily sinister conspiracies can rise to the surface!

I tend to be a sceptic myself about conspiracies, having had the misfortune to be given several Dan Brown books which I dutifully read. Or maybe Dan Brown is conspiring to destroy everyone's brain cells?

If you really want an example of almost every conspiracy theory there is, read

Clameur de Haro said...

With the "Dan Brown conspiring to destroy brain cells" idea, Tony, I I think you really may be on to something........

Anonymous said...

Watch for the new Dan Brown book about a global conspiracy. Called "The Green Cross Code", it features GM producers who hide secret messages in the genes of pot plants in Garden centers worldwide which will only be revealed when the temperature rises by 10% and destroys the brain cells of anyone eating GM food. A catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions beckons, and only Robert Langdon can save the day by decoding the number of petals on each plant.

Sorry, couldn't resist it! Tony